Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fall in AZ

Reasons I know fall is approaching in Arizona:

(And yes, there are places in Arizona that can look like this, though I took this picture in Boston last year.)

1. Ben has vegetable seedings planted in cups, ready to go into the ground.
2. Steve is searching my cupboards for tea.
3. Just went to church retreat :-)
4. Nighttime lows are under 80 degrees!!!!!!
5. Mornings and evenings are incredible.
6. My students are no longer angels.
7. Monsoon season is gone (and the humidity), which means my skin is instantaneously dry.
8. It gets dark at 6:30.
9. We vote on the church budget. Again.
10. Darla and I start considering making pumpkin homemade ice cream.
11. The Office is on again!!
12. We can sit outside at restaurants again (withOUT misters!)
13. The Diamondbacks are not in the playoffs. Again.
14. Mexican Independence Day gets celebrated in AZ (Sept 15)
15. Ben's birthday (Sept 25)
16. We start dreaming about wearing sweaters.
17. I start pondering what to get people for Christmas.
18. My kids start obsessing about the state fair.
19. We start obsessing about seeing the Figure 8 Races at the fair :-)
20. Ben and I start taking tandem rides :-)


  1. Great reasons! I would add that motorcycles start to show up everywhere.

  2. Love the 'my kids are no longer angles'. That made me laugh out loud.
