[In case you didn't get it, the thought going through my head with that title was the Chia Pet jingle ;-)]

As you may or may not be aware, I adore food-themed parties. Hence, when I saw a page in the
Sunflower Market magazine (the free magazine from the grocery store I shop at) describing three different toppings to put on corn on the cob, I was sold. (I also just had a hankering for sweet corn.) The three suggestions were a cilantro pesto, parmesan butter (butter, oil, and parmesan cheese), and southwestern spice rub. It was the last one that I fell in love with. The dominant flavor in this spice mix is chipotle powder, which has a fantastic kicky, smoky flavor to it, which I have now started putting on everything that needs some flavor. Basically, I've been using it like my husband uses Tabasco. So if you're looking for a new flavor, give this a shot. The ingredients are as follows (mix together):
Southwestern Spice Rub
1 1/2 t. sea salt
1 1/2 t. chili powder
1 t. chipotle powder
1/2 t. cumin
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