So, I'm basically in love with this recipe I found for poppy seed dressing (and yes, that's the extent of the excitement in my life). Because of it, I haven't stopped eating spinach/strawberry salad for like a week! (Also, I've served it to basically everyone who has walked through my door, which is a lot, as of late.)
I think it's a good recipe in general, but it's awesome with some champagne melon vinegar I got on clearance at SuperTarget a LONG time ago. :-) As usual, the recipe came from Allrecipes.
Poppy Seed Dressing
1/2 c. mayo or Miracle Whip (I've been using mayo)
1/4 c. milk
1/4 c. sugar
2 T. vinegar
1 T. poppy seeds
Whisk all ingredients together and chill. Makes approximately 1 c. of dressing.
The only thing I've been changing is the amount of milk, because it keeps ending up really thin for me. However, as I type this, it occurs to me that maybe I could add some kind of thickener (cornstarch, flour, etc.) Have to try that...