The next rule which is based on the first, and subject of this post is eat Mostly Plants. This basically speaks for itself. The more food we eat that comes from plants, which of course equals fruit, vegetables, etc, the less processed food we are eating. Notice that he doesn't say all plants, which some people do advocate. (The raw food movement would fall into this camp.) Another reason I like Pollan's work, is that he doesn't say Never. He doesn't say never eat junk food, he says keep things within reason (which is the main idea of his 3rd rule, which I'll write about in the next post.)
These are the rules that stuck with me the most from this section of the book:
34-Sweeten and salt your food yourself.

36-Don't eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
Many of the rules in this book were things I'd already known of, but it was good to have them repeated in a concise form. This one, however, I had never thought of. Totally true. Pink, yellow, or green milk is just not natural. (Literally.)
39-Eat all the junk food, you want as long as you cook it yourself.
I love this rule, because again, it doesn't forbid you from eating junk food. What it does do is emphasize the impact of fast food in our lives. Let's face it, there's a reason people don't eat french fries at home. They're a pain in the butt to make! If I had to make them every single time I wanted them, I'd definitely eat them a lot less. Same thing applies to baked goods, chips, etc.
So, to recap: Eat food, mostly plants.
I know you'll be waiting with great anticipation for the breath-taking conclusion of this series! :-)
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